Handwashing as politics

Handwashing as politics

The accused Jesus was willing to testify in front of Pilatus about the truth he believed in, but the governor asked resignedly: what is the truth at all? His wise sarcasm hindered him escape his unblessed role in history.

Can we handle the complexity of our globalized world where the polarization of the values is just increasing, and the moral guidance is more blurred than ever? Can we apply the attitude of Pilatus, the benevolent impartiality of the neutral bystander? We need more than ever the wise impartiality of those who are not driven by the interests of any group or party. Who are brave enough to look around and have the discernment to observe where the possible Archemidean neutral point can be found.

Yes, we have to face the question of Pilatus, but we should not let it unanswered. 

Pannonicus: A kézmosás mint politikum (extract)