Fidesz is out - who follows it?

In his usual Friday morning talk show aired by Radio Kossuth, Victor Orbán gave a last-minute explanation of why Fidesz left the EPP-faction in the EU Parliament? He noted that inside the group, the ideas were overly diverging, and anyway: " It was good. It was beautiful. It was enough!" In his view, the core of the problem is that the EPP turned to be only a simple accessory of the left-wing, so it is necessary to rebuild the right-wing in the EU Parliament.
Indeed, the Hungarian premier minister tries to reach out to possible partners as Lega Nord, or Brothers of Italy, the Slovenian Democratic Party, or the governing party of Poland, PiS. Further partners could be Marine le Pen's, Front National, the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ), or the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), but any other right-, respectively extreme right party in the EU.
At this moment, there are no shifts or any progress in this direction, yet. The Hungarian media, most of it close to Fidesz and the Hungarian government, appreciates the elegant European way of how Fidesz proceeded in the process of leaving the EPP.
Inside the Visegrád Four, except Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia didn't express any opinion yet, which might be because Czechia is fighting now the extraordinarily heavy third wave of the Covid pandemic, respectively Slovakia is right in the middle of a governmental crisis.
Original: Martos Péter: A Fidesz ment - ki követi majd? (extract)